Quantum Magic Trout Pro T Jig Heads are a hugely popularity of ultra-light fishing requires innovations across the board. The new T-Jigs in different sizes and weights allow fantastic casting distances with all modern artificial lures while the tungsten beads ready-mounted on the hook save the angler time and fish.
Perfect for Ultra Light and Trout Area Anglers...Available in 3 colours and 3 weight sizes.
View search results for Quantum Magic TroutQuantum Magic Trout Pro T Jig Heads are a hugely popularity of ultra-light fishing requires innovations across the board. The new T-Jigs in different sizes and weights allow fantastic casting distances with all modern artificial lures while the tungsten beads ready-mounted on the hook save the angler time and fish.
Perfect for Ultra Light and Trout Area Anglers...Available in 3 colours and 3 weight sizes.