LMAB MOVE Shoulder Bag is the best value out of the the two shoulder bags from the new MOVE bag series from LMAB. This bag has a padded shoulder strap and a padded back, which is very comfortable to carry. It also has a leg strap with which it can be fixed to the thigh. For example, you can prevent it from swinging around and ensure that it is always close to your body. A pliers holder on the side saves space in the compartments and allows quick access to the pliers at any time.
With removable EVA plate - The LMAB MOVE Shoulder Bag has 3 compartments: a main compartment, a middle compartment and a front compartment. The main and front compartments are closed with a flap with Velcro fastener, the middle compartment has a zipper. A medium tackle box fits into the main compartment and the middle compartment, although you would first have to remove the EVA plate from the middle compartment. This EVA plate is fixed with Velcro and offers the possibility of inserting bait into the EVA using the hooks. Extremely practical if you want to quickly switch between 2 or 3 baits and don't feel like opening a tackle box every time. In addition, the bait can dry out and does not end up in the tackle box wet. You can also store a small tackle box in the front compartment, which is particularly practical for accessories such as jig heads, weights and other small parts.
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View search results for LMABLMAB MOVE Shoulder Bag is the best value out of the the two shoulder bags from the new MOVE bag series from LMAB. This bag has a padded shoulder strap and a padded back, which is very comfortable to carry. It also has a leg strap with which it can be fixed to the thigh. For example, you can prevent it from swinging around and ensure that it is always close to your body. A pliers holder on the side saves space in the compartments and allows quick access to the pliers at any time.
With removable EVA plate - The LMAB MOVE Shoulder Bag has 3 compartments: a main compartment, a middle compartment and a front compartment. The main and front compartments are closed with a flap with Velcro fastener, the middle compartment has a zipper. A medium tackle box fits into the main compartment and the middle compartment, although you would first have to remove the EVA plate from the middle compartment. This EVA plate is fixed with Velcro and offers the possibility of inserting bait into the EVA using the hooks. Extremely practical if you want to quickly switch between 2 or 3 baits and don't feel like opening a tackle box every time. In addition, the bait can dry out and does not end up in the tackle box wet. You can also store a small tackle box in the front compartment, which is particularly practical for accessories such as jig heads, weights and other small parts.
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