Savage Gear Pro Peg Stainless Blade is designed to secure your soft lure with perfect balance thanks to the stainless steel Pro Peg Blade. Mount the blade in the centre of the lure from the nose or below the belly and use the toothpicks to further secure the hold if required. Stingers and clip-on weights can easily be added to the nose giving you a wide range of rigging options.
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View search results for Savage GearSavage Gear Pro Peg Stainless Blade is designed to secure your soft lure with perfect balance thanks to the stainless steel Pro Peg Blade. Mount the blade in the centre of the lure from the nose or below the belly and use the toothpicks to further secure the hold if required. Stingers and clip-on weights can easily be added to the nose giving you a wide range of rigging options.
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